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Chessmates International

Throughout the world, Chessmates International wants to transmit the values ​​of friendship and excellence, through the practice of chess. We are delighted to have ambassadors capable of spreading these values.


Jorden Van Foreest


 "I have been familiar with chessmates since 2016 when I attended the event in Rotterdam. The idea of giving young and avid chess players a way to compete against each other in a friendly and social atmosphere has always appealed to me. This is precisely what chessmates does, and I am very happy to become an ambassador."    Jorden Van Foreest

ChessMates International since its creation has been promoting international chess meetings between young elites from different nations, in a spirit of exchange and friendship between all participants. Jorden Van Fore is sensitive to this concept in his practice of high-level chess and has agreed to become a ChessMates Ambassador in order to carry our common values, respect, friendships, competitive spirit, surpassing oneself through performance, a strong desire to progress.

Jorden Van Foreest has been an International Grand Master since 2015, he ranks 22nd in Europe and 46th in the world with an Elo of 2690.


Dutch champion in 2016

Winner of the Prague ChessFestival in 2020

Winner of the Stockfish Challenge in 2020

Winner of Tatasteel Chess in 2021

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Logo Estonian team Chessmates International
Logo Ireland team chessmates international
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Logo Monaco team chessmates international
Logo Rotterdamse Schaakbond Netherlands Chessmates International
Logo Sachsen-Anhalt Germany Chessmates International
Logo Comite National Olympique et sportif Français Paris Chessmates Internationl
Logo Estonian Chess Federation Chessmates International

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